Good evening Travellers,

We would like to welcome you to the new area for our blog here on This website is nowhere near complete, but is now hosted on our own private and secure server. We have been spending a lot of time in the last few months working on security features and database management that can handle a large game such as Traveller MMORPG. Let me give you a rundown of what each of the team has been working on, and what we hope to accomplish in the near future.

Our founder, Paul, has been working in Unity with many physics properties and controls for some items that will be available for play test. Paul had not been working with Unity at the beginning of the project and instead was focusing on the ships that you have seen on our Facebook page, which were done in AutoCAD. Now that our game story is starting to come together, he is focusing on details and objects that will enhance the game experience and bring a feel for Traveller to the game. 

Our Creative Director, Mike, has been busy working on terrain. The terrain we are planning to introduce is much larger than a typical game terrain that is produced in Unity, thus he has run into some obstacles. He has continued to work through those problems and is focused on creating a terrain that matches that the tech level of the planet, the back story, etc. He has also been consulting with the rest of the team on the overall storyline and how our game begins. 

Our Webmaster, Mark, has been busy in many areas. After working to get our site secure, he has been working primarily on multi-player networking and voice chat. LGS had a test last week of the networking, and it went very well. We are on our way to having a communications interface which will be a great feature in the game. 

Dan, the Operations Manager, has also been working in Unity. He has been working with a third person shooter asset which essentially act as a placeholder in the game as the other parts come together. This also has not been an easy road but progress is being made. Dan has also been working with the team as a whole to keep everything organized and moving in the right direction.

Finally, we have contacted a Graphic Designer who we are interested in having on our team. This person would be responsible for the logo design and website layout, as well as many features that we are looking to add when working in Unity. 

As you can tell, it has been a busy time. Our last post on Facebook was all the way back in October, but please be assured that our team has continued to work hard on this very large project. Friendly competition and teamwork have kept everyone on track and continuing towards the same goal. 

As for that goal, short-term, LGS is looking to create an alpha with one scene and story that is contained on one terrain. This will be largely unpolished, but many of the long-term goals of the game will start to be worked on. This alpha is something that we have been working towards for the last few months, and the story and design have really begun to take shape. We will also be announcing ways for the players to become involved with us from the very beginning. Having hardcore fans from Classic Traveller be a part of this team is essential. We already cannot thank all of our followers enough for taking the time out to like our page and posts. We have added quite a few people since our last post, which means we are gaining traction on social media.

Please be on the lookout for our next blog, which should be sometime next week. As we have weekly meetings we will try give an update for the fans and players so they can follow our journey to create the most immersive MMORPG out there.

if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please remember that you can contact via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
