Good evening Travellers,

We wanted to give you an update about what has transpired since our last blog. We are now able to connect to a host for networking purposes, and are continuing to work on a communication system that can be used in game.

Our founder, Paul, has been working on a warbot that is going to be vital as part of our demo. He has hashed out the commands and is now working on shooting functions. The particle physics is not something any member of the team has dealt with before, and is continuing to be a battle. The hope is to have a functional warbot that has AI associated with it to be an enemy for the player. We will have pictures up of this warbot in the upcoming weeks.

Mike, our Creative Director, has been working hard on terrains. He has come a long way in the last few weeks, and hopes to be able to have a rather large terrain functional without losing detail or having an issue with frame rates. He is also incorporating some designs that Paul has added from AutoCAD. He will also be working with mapping and making the scene all come together.

Dan has been working with our playable character. He has the basics down and is now working on more advanced functions. He has also been working with Paul to get the Development and Finance pages available on the website to provide our fans with more information on the project. The goal is to have our website become all-encompassing and show all of the items that we post around social media. This will also allow new fans to the project to get themselves acquainted with our goals and plans for the future.

Mark, our webmaster, has continued to be a huge resource in allowing this game to be multi-player. His networking is making strides each day and we will have more to announce on his progress in the near future.

Overall, LGS feels like we are closer to our goal of creating a playable demo and allowing our fans and players to comment and make suggestions on the game. We are far from finished with our long-term goals, but by taking this one step at a time we are building on our original foundation that was laid around 14 months ago.

Look for more pages to be added to our website within the next week, which will help to explain our goals in more detail. To say we are excited about the whole project is an understatement, and we look forward to taking our next steps with you, the fans!

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook and Soundcloud pages, as we will be continuing to add more content and updates.

Thank you for all of your support so far and moving forward!
